The topic of the three-day virtual workshop will be…
“How to Go From Exhausted, Overworked and Choosing Between Family And School to A School Leader Who FINALLY Has Work-Life Balance”
😜 If you feel like this is something you NEED right now in your journey, grab your FREE ticket here:
We’ll be going over:
📚 The LEADERSHIP Drivers system that can help any educator move up no matter where they are now
📚 Learn how I grew my organization from 194 students to 506 and 32 staff to 97 by working less and getting more done
📚 Discover the little known strategy I used to be able to focus on MY actual job and not EVERYTHING ELSE so I could love my work again
Again, click the button below of click this link to join us on the FREE virtual workshop:
In love, friendship, and leadership,
