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Be the leader you were meant to be. 

Get my eBook "So You Want To Be a Superintendent?"


My New Year's Wish For You

It's finally here, the new year.

I'm not going to lie, 2020 was a struggle for me too. Life as I knew it was upended in ways that I never could have imagined. The isolation that was created by COVID was a significant stressor on me and my daughter; both extreme extroverts.

Taking my school from bricks and mortar to 100% remote overnight was a herculean task that I am proud my team was able to accomplish. The uncertainty of what COVID would and could do caused constant anxiety in those I loved.

My amazing organization has been responsive to the needs of ALL of our families and are doing amazing things. The COVID crisis has brought out the best in all of us as we rally to do whatever it takes.

Personally, our family suffered an unbelievable tragedy as we lost our beloved 25-year-old nephew to a ruptured aortic aneurysm. More reminders that life is precious and we need to live every minute of our day doing what lights us up.

This is my wish for you for 2021: Do what makes you happy and brings you joy!

I can hear you saying right now "Sure, DMC, easier said than done." Believe me, it really can be that easy. Focus on your mission, what you value, your growth, relationships that validate you, being organized, making the "just right" decision, and taking care of yourself.

Although 2020 has many lows I already experienced some great wins as well:

I wrote my first book, "So, You Want to Be a Superintendent? Become the Leader You Were Meant to Be!"

I launched two coaching cohorts and helped 13 leaders level up their leadership abilities.

I launched DMC Consulting (

I launched a Facebook group for leaders to share best practices and support each other ( If you haven't joined you SHOULD.

I spent more time with my family and strengthened my marriage.

I spent less time on the weekends and evenings with my face in my computer and put my phone down.

I made memories with my family that will last a lifetime.

I made amazing friends through my business mastermind group.

I announced my retirement so that I can focus on my next great passion: Nurturing, growing, and supporting leaders.

I'd love to help you focus on doing what you love and living a life of joy.

Remember the wise words of Albert Einstein “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” Don't be the person who looks back at 2021 with regret that the goals you set weren't met.

If you want 2021 to be the year that you DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY AND BRINGS YOU JOY email me at

In friendship, love, and leadership,


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