The following post is an excerpt from my interview with Parveen Panwar, Mr. Activated, in his series “How Business Leaders Are Helping To Promote The Mental Wellness Of Their Employees”. You can find a link to the full article below:
When I started teaching 26 years ago I loved knowing that through my work I was positively impacting the lives of my students. I soon realized that by becoming a building leader and then a district leader I could positively impact the lives of even more students so I began honing my skills and heading in that direction. When fate brought me to Rochester, NY I saw a need for a high quality educational option for the city’s children and was able to create the most amazing school I have ever had the pleasure of entering. The impact of this school will be felt by families for decades to come.
Educators often “dream” about starting their own schools so they can create the “perfect school.” I actually had the great fortune of making that dream a reality when I founded Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts. Albeit nothing is perfect, in my humble opinion, I believe the school is very close. It was founded on the belief that children deserve a school where they can experience JOY every day, learn in a supportive environment, and develop skills and dispositions which will ensure they are successful citizens of a global society.
Here is some advice on creating a positive work culture:
Focus on your “why”. Be sure your personal mission is aligned to that of the organization. Incorporate regular self-care into your schedule and focus on investing in the relationships that make you a better person, not those that drain you.
Lead with love. Regardless of your industry you deal with people who have real lives. When you begin from a place of really understanding your people and serving them with a loving heart and spirit the entire culture transforms. By leading this way you prove that you are invested in them and not just in the organization. When you lead with love you also take responsibility for what you’ve done, good and bad, and communicate clearly. I’ve found those to be the keys to a fantastic work culture. No one wants to work for a “boss” who is judgmental, demanding, and does not give grace.
it’s not a stick in the eye. Whenever someone is overreacting about something my aunt says “it’s not a stick in the eye.” It’s kind of a quirky statement that I’ve come to adopt and use it. It is the kind of statement that jostles you out of your overreaction. If you consider the statement it is a reminder that no matter what you are worrying about it could always be worse. When I am faced with an obstacle I try to think of it as an opportunity and always remember that it’s not a stick in the eye!
Click below to read the full interview with Parveen Panwar, Mr. Activated, in his series “How Business Leaders Are Helping To Promote The Mental Wellness Of Their Employees”.
In friendship, love, and leadership,
