I know many of you are thinking Work-Life Balance HA, there is no such thing. I assure you it IS a thing and something you should have. This was me at 6:30 at night during the week in 2012 when I was heading OUT to a meeting. My children were 3 and 1 and I was creating a BRAND NEW SCHOOL.
I learned a lot as the CEO of that organization but the most important lesson was how to have a work-life balance. Here are some things I've learned:
Take your vacation days and go on vacation or do a stay-cation with your family. There will always be work to do, don't wait until you can "get away." Just GET AWAY! 🏝
If you have small kids, go on their field trips. Take personal time to do things at your kids' schools. 🚌
Have a date night with your significant other at least once a week. 🥰
Put your kids to bed, read to them, and snuggle with them. 🧸
Leave work at a reasonable hour. If you need to stay late pick one day a week so your family can plan around it. 📅
Practice Self-Care. Know your triggers and the warning signs that you are overwhelmed.
Being proactive about your health and wellness is essential. Here are some things I recommend incorporating into the rotation:
Talking to a trusted friend
Hot baths with Epsom salt
A hot cup of tea
Working out
Listening to and singing great music
Nourishing sleep
Reading a book for pleasure
What are you going to try?
In friendship, love and leadership,
